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Shine Clubs provides a high-quality, personalised service; by working in partnership with schools and education professionals. We can provide compliant, and experienced, tutors and support staff; long-term, permanent and interim.


The Shine Clubs team are here to help.

Would you like us to help your school or child?

Support with mid-day staffing provision

The mid-day lunch period can be the most challenging, and yet vital, part of the school day. Shine Clubs' support staff are experienced and qualified/trained in childcare; we can help your school provide a positive and happy environment during this time.


With the addition of our support staff, your school's pupils will enjoy constructive play through a range of fun activities.


Our activities have been created understanding;

  • when the mid-day lunch period takes place (it follows a morning of structured learning), and the need to allow for relaxation and recovery.

  • the importance of play to a child's creativity, imagination and self-expression, as well as mental and emotional well-being.

  • how to improve social skills and interaction.

  • the importance of increasing children’s physical activity levels to reduce rates of childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes.


​Through our School Support Programme, the mid-day lunch period will be directly serviced through us, this includes;

  • full management,

  • HR administration,

  • training,

  • performance management.


Our support programme will enable your school’s senior managers to constructively concentrate on strategic school management as opposed to this day-to-day matter.


Our guarantee: If, for any reason, your school is not satisfied by the Shine Clubs support staff placed with you, you can request a replacement with immediate effect.


Why you need our School Support Programme:

  1. Our support staff are trained in childcare.

  2. Our support staff are first aid qualified (level 3).

  3. Our support staff are DBS cleared.

  4. No more stressful recruitment process.

  5. Our support staff are not on your payroll.

  6. No unpredictable onward costs.

  7. No staff absence management.

  8. No performance management.

  9. No training costs.

  10. No holiday entitlement costs.

  11. It will save your staff time.

  12. Achieve best value for money for your limited school budget.

Interested in our School Support Programme?

Shine Clubs one-to-one tutoring

Shine Clubs' friendly and experienced tutors are experts in, and follow, the national curriculum. They deliver lessons in the essential subjects of maths and English; our programme is completely tailored to each pupil's learning goals.


Our tutoring lessons are designed to get the best out of each child and to help children, of any age and ability, to shine. Our tailored and flexible approach to learning, aims to give each child the tools they need to enjoy learning; with the confidence and motivation to tackle even the most challenging work.


Shine Clubs tutoring can take place within our safe, secure and comfortable setting.


Why every child deserves Shine Clubs Tutoring:

  1. Tutored students achieve higher school attendance.
  2. Tutored students perform better in tests.

  3. Tutored students show an increase in confidence.

  4. Tutoring improves a child's attitude towards education.

  5. Tutoring meet the specific needs of the student.

  6. Tutoring provides immediate or faster feedback.

  7. Tutoring improves a child's work habits.

  8. Tutors work at the child's pace.

  9. Tutors provide each child one-to-one attention and focus.

Interested in Shine Clubs Tutoring?

Happy Kids with Books
Schoolgirls Playing
Math Class


Shine Clubs

406 Roding Lane South

Woodford Green


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Keywords: Shine Clubs, after school activities, Redbridge after school activities, Downshall Primary School after school activities, Fullwood Primary School after school activities, Christchurch Primary School after school activities, Seven Kings Primary School after school activities, St Marys CE Foundation Primary School after school activities, Downshall Primary School after school club, Fullwood Primary School after school club, Christchurch Primary School after school club, Seven Kings Primary School after school club, St Marys CE Foundation Primary School after school club, Downshall Primary School before school activities, Fullwood Primary School before school activities, Christchurch Primary School before school activities, Seven Kings Primary School before school activities, St Marys CE Foundation Primary School before school activities, Downshall Primary School before school club, Fullwood Primary School before school club, Christchurch Primary School before school club, Seven Kings Primary School before school club, St Marys CE Foundation Primary School before school club, Downshall Primary School breakfast club, Fullwood Primary School breakfast club, Christchurch Primary School breakfast club, Seven Kings Primary School breakfast club, St Marys CE Foundation Primary School breakfast club, School holiday club, school holiday club Redbridge, ShineClubs after school club, Shine Clubs breakfast, Gordon Primary School, Gordon Primary School after school activities, Gordon Primary School breakfast club, Gordon Primary School after school club, Ilford schools, Redbridge schools, Stansted schools, Seven Kings schools, after school clubs Redbridge, after school clubs Ilford, Shine Clubs Downshall Primary School, Shine Clubs Fullwood Primary School, Shine Clubs Christchurch Primary School, Shine Clubs Seven Kings Primary School, Shine Clubs St Marys CE Foundation Primary School, Shine Clubs Gordon Primary School, Shine Clubs Redbridge, Shine Clubs Ilford, Shine Clubs Stansted, Shine Clubs Seven Kings, Tony Charles, Foundation Sport, Foundation Football.

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